Time and advancement has made a great impact on training methods used today, offering a lot of room for improvement. The need is, to come up with the right technique for a particular environment so that the purpose of training can be achieved. The core purpose being, transferring 100% knowledge to the trainees.
Few most common training methods are discussed below. But do you have a proper place for training? If not, you can get a training room for rent and use most of the following methods there.
- Lectures
Being the essential element of training, lecture is probably one of the oldest way to teach new ideas to the people, and it has still been one of the most popular and effective way to communicate the message across the audience. Often companies invest in classroom sessions to train their employees. If you think your employees lack motivation or are getting narrow minded due to certain policy changes, you can know more about us is you want to hire change management speakers.
However, it depends upon the lecturer how he communicates the message to ensure everyone understood it. Another advantage of this training method is, you can include most of the other techniques into it.
- Role Play
Role play is actually the extension of training that is used to elaborate the point, or shed light to certain weaknesses in employees. Moreover, as attendants are given different roles to perform, chances are that the message becomes more impactful than if it had been in a plane story-telling tone.
- Case Studies
Case studies are the key elements of professional training. In fact, organizations conduct most of the training sessions to handle challenges and hurdles in the market. You can conduct a training with the results of the last year in your mind. The trainer presents the case to the executives and analyzes it as deep as he can. The rest depends upon the attendants what solutions or strategies they could come up with. For example:
- How to increase beverage sales of a company
- How to improve the reputation of your brand, and more
Case studies are normally part of the meetings and conferences in which limited number of attendants participate.
- Audio/Visual Training
Sometimes, motivational speakers take aid of Audio/Visuals to bring that “Wow Factor” into their sessions. To deliver the message clearly to hundreds of attendants, a speaker designs a training aided by audio and visuals. He refers to real life scenarios, share examples of competitors and takes audience deep down into market analysis. Audio-visuals play a vital role in attracting the audience as well as keeping them focused throughout the presentation.
- Computer Based Training
Online training or computer based training is still considered to be the modern way of communicating the message. There are quite a few universities and colleges where this particular method has been implemented and received acclamation. The purpose of this training is to deliver the message across cities, towns and countries, making learning fairly easy.
E-learning has been implemented by many countries, such as:
- In U.S, U.K, and Canada, people can enroll online and complete hours of studies, submit online exams and get degrees.
- If you’ve been convicted for DUI, you can participate in online program and complete your training.